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UV Photoreactor 본문

이화학 실험장비/PhotoReactor

UV Photoreactor

켐코코리아(주) 2023. 5. 12. 17:07

Fenton Boat Photocatalysis:

An adventure with iron and wood

What's a Fenton Boat? Stick around and we'll explain. And show you a video of a photocatalyst boat.


HepatoChem in the Literature:

The latest that has piqued our interest or used our equipment...


This month’s HepatoChem in the literature is a little more personal than our usual entries. We’re grateful to Professors Philippe Jubault and Thomas Poisson for letting us play a small part in the recent work published in OPRD entitled “Photocatalytic and Photoinduced Phosphonylation of Aryl Iodides: A Batch and Flow Study”. In addition to their work using the PhotoRedox Box we were able to assist in running their model system using the Lucent360™ to test both the instruments screening capabilities as well as demonstrate its use for scaling up the reaction.


Product Spotlight:

UV Photoreactor Lights


We are introducing the new UV LED light sources at 254 nm, 300 nm, 310 nm, 340 nm, 365 nm designed for the Lucent360 photoreactor. 

UV Photoreactor 

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e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.com

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