목록실험실 기초장비/Drying oven (2)

Air forced laboratory ovens 36 up to 250 liter 36-250 Liter Air forced laboratory ovens up to 250 deg C for precise drying, heating, aging, burn-in, and hardening in research, science, industry, and quality assurance. Internal stainless steel SUS430 Digital Pid temperature controller with timer Two shelves Low/high air circulation speed Adjustable exhaust vent Air forced laboratory ovens 36 up t..

Laboratory drying oven CK-series Laboratory oven CK-series can be used mostly in all types of industries where a Thermogravimetric Method of measurement of moisture content is required: 곡물 품질관리 실험실 (Grain quality control laboratories) 밀가루 분쇄, 혼합 사료 산업 (Flour-grinding, mixed fodder industry) 식품 산업 (육류, 유제품 및 어류) (Food industry (meat, dairy and fish) 임업, 목공, 펄프 및 제지 산업 (Forestry, woodworking and p..