목록이화학 실험장비/Scientific Glassware (3)

가스 버블러 불활성 분위기 유지 Schlenk 장치에 효과적 사용 Need to keep your reaction under an inert atmosphere? Or maybe you have a Schlenk apparatus? Then these bubblers should prove a very useful tool. Types 1 and 2 can be used with a reaction that needs an inerting blanket. A small amount of oil (silicone or mineral) is placed in the bubbler which allows a gentle flow of outgassing to be observed without any pres..

붕규소 전기화학 셀 촉매 연구, 센서 개발, 배터리 및 기초 무기 화학연구 등에 사용 실험자의 특정 요구 사항을 위한 맞춤 제작 Borosilicate electrochemical cells are widely used in chemistry, materials and chemical engineering labs around the world for a variety of applications including catalysis studies, development of sensors, battery and fundamental inorganic chemistry research. Borosilicate electrochemical cells can range in size and style, but..

진공 여과 깔때기 둥근 바닥 플라스크 연결로 간단한 사용 진공 연결을 위한 GL14 olive adapter 제공 New from Asynt! Use these Asynt vacuum filtration funnels for simple separations directly into your round bottom flask. Provided with GL14 to olive adapter for connection to vacuum. Vacuum filtration funnels - 진공 여과 깔때기 더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~! 켐코코리아 주식회사 Tel. 043-215-2012 e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.com Web. http://www.chemcokorea.com/ ..