목록제약장비/밀도측정기 (4)

탭밀도측정기의 다양한 액세서리가 있습니다~! Accessory for Tap Density Tester(ETD-1020) 탭밀도측정기 액세서리 더 자세한 설명이 필요하다면 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~! 켐코코리아 주식회사 Tel. 043-215-2012 e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.com Web. http://www.chemcokorea.com/ Blog. http://blog.chemcokorea.com/

탭밀도측정기 Tap Density Tester (ETD-1020) USP 1, 2. 시험법 적용가능! 2개의 station 10, 500, 1250 tap counts 10, 100, 250ml cylinder 사용 Supports USP 1 (300 taps/min) and USP 2 (250 taps/min) and ASTM test methods Two cylinder holders with snap-lock mechanism for 100 mL and 250 mL cylinders Simultaneous rotating and tapping motion assures as evenly packed surface Calculation of test results like tapped density,..

겉보기밀도 측정기 Volumeter (EV-02) USP, EP and ASTM 기준에 적합 fine powder and similar products 의 bulk density 측정 g/ml의 쉬운 계산 Complies with USP and Ph. Eur. specifications Measures the bulk density of fine powders and similar products Easy calculation of bulk density in terms of grams per ml Useful in calculating powder flowability index 1.0 mm sieve * Cylindrical cup Volume (ml): 25.00 ± 0.05 Inside diame..

안녕하세요. 켐코코리아 주식회사입니다. Complies with USP and Ph. Eur. specifications Measures the bulk density of fine powders and similar products Easy calculation of bulk density in terms of grams per ml Useful in calculating powder flowability index 1.0 mm sieve * Cylindrical cup Volume (ml): 25.00 ± 0.05 Inside diameter (mm): 30.00 ± 2.00 * Cubical cup Volume (ml): 16.39 ± 0.2 Inside dimensions (mm): 25.40 ±..