목록이화학 실험장비/Photochemistry (4)

When we see an EvoluChem PhotoRedOx Box™ used in creative ways, we feel obliged to share it as loudly as possible. Recently, we wrote about photocatalytic methods for Hot labels using HAT for deuterium and tritium labeling that used the PhotoRedox Box TC™. This month, we have this amazing work from Veronique Gouverneur and coworkers in JACS entitled “Photoredox Nucleophilic (Radio)fluorination o..

We typically send out a year-end review of our favorite photochemistry papers every January. We really enjoy putting together that list, although we always have significantly more papers that we like than spots on the list. That list ends up being heavily biased towards papers published towards the end of the year. As a remedy, we thought a nice lazy midsummer activity would be to update our fav..

혁신적인 광화학 반응기 450 nm (Blue) , 365nm (UV) 10w LED COB 선택 가능 최대 55℃ 가열 반응 가능 스필릿터를 이용한 5개 모듈 공급 New Photochemistry in Flow tool The fReactor Photo Flow module was developed by the University of Leads in conjunction with Asynt and gives scientists the potential to develop and expand their Flow Chemistry work quickly and easily to include photochemistry. This new addition to the Asynt fReactor Flow C..

혁신적인 광화학 반응기 450 nm (Blue) , 365nm (UV) 10w LED COB 선택 가능 390~395nm (UVA), 405nm (Violet), 440~450nm (Royal Blue), 460~470nm (Blue) 520~525nm (Green), 590~595nm (Yellow), 620~625nm (Red), 650~660nm (Deep Red) 다양한 파장(wavelenghts) 선택 가능 최대 80℃ 가열 반응 가능 1~8ml glass tube 최대 8개 사용 가능 Illumin8 parallel photoreactor is ideal for safe, benchtop parallel photochemistry. Working closely with some of our k..