목록이화학 실험장비/Jacked Lab Reactors (19)

B24 Luer 진공 어댑터 SPE, 크로마토그래피 및 여과에 이상적 Buchner 깔때기 필요 없음 빠른 공정 속도 및 유출 방지 The Asynt B24 Luer vacuum adapters for useful for SPE, chromatography and filtration. Using these neat little adapters, the chemist can process their reactions straight into a round bottomed flask thus removing the need for a Buchner funnel and decanting into a separate flask for evaporation, speeding up the process and av..

PhtoSyn LED 광반응기 램프 모듈 UV-A/Blue, Blue & Blue/Green/White 조명 옵션 작동 중 No light leakage 긴 수명, 효율적인 LED array light source 700W Variable output programmable power supply Designed & manufactured in the UK by Uniqsis Ltd The Uniqsis PhotoSyn has been designed to provide scientists with a high power LED light source for continuous flow applications. Available with a selection of different LED arrays t..

진공 재킷 반응 용기 파일럿 및 벤치 탑 규모의 Reactomate 제공 용기 모양, 크기, 측면 암 및 배수 밸브 구성 등 다양한 제작 가능 저온 반응에 이상적 시스템 Jacketed Reaction Vessels As with any jacketed reactor vessel system, we understand that your needs may change over time and alternative vessels may be required without your whole system being replaced. We can work with you to supply new ReactoMate reaction vessels from 50 mL benchtop scale to 50 L + p..

Schlenk lines (also known as vacuum gas manifolds) are a commonly used piece of chemistry apparatus originally developed by Wilhelm Schlenk. Schlenk lines basically consists of a dual manifold with several ports. One manifold is connected to a source of purified inert gas, while the other is connected to a high-vacuum pump. The inert gas line is vented through an oil bubbler, while solvent vapou..

정전기 분산 PTFE 반응기 악세서리 정전기 분산 PTFE 반응기 뚜껑 정전기 분산 PTFE 교반기 샤프트, 커플링 및 온도 악세서리 제공 폭발 가능성이 있는 환경에서 사용할 수 있는 다양한 교환 가능한 구성 요소 제공 We offer both standard and custom manufactured static dissipative PTFE reactor lids, stirrer shafts, couplings and temperature accessories; providing a wide range of interchangeable components for use in potentially explosive environments. The addition of conductive pigments..

백금 전극 순도 높은 재료로 제작 전기화학 분야를 위한 설계 길이와 두께 등 요구사항 제작 가능 The Platinum Flag Electrodes from Asynt are made with only the highest purity materials, designed and built around your exact electrochemical application to be both robust and effective. We have electrode specialists that supply all the materials (Pt wire, Cu wire, Pt flag) that are incredibly high purity, which are difficult to source otherw..

마그네틱 교반기 헤드 PTFE 교반기 샤프트에 이상적 볼 베어링의 캡슐형 드라이브 샤프트(스테인리스스틸) PTFE/PEEK 로터 및 하부 베어링 붕규산 유리로 만든 hollow shaft These magnetic stirrer heads are ideal for PTFE jacketed stirrer shafts. Consisting of capsuled drive shaft (stainless steel) with ball bearings, rotor and lower bearing made of PTFE/PEEK and a hollow shaft made of borosilicate glass. These require little space due to compact construction. No..

리액토메이트 드레인 매니폴드 2개의 배수 매니폴드 팩 제공 Reactomate Quick-Release Coupling 과 함께 구입 추천 The ReactoMate Drain Manifolds have been specifically designed to work with our DATUM system. Chemists can easily drain their vessel jackets from thermal fluids such as silicon oils, allowing for much quicker vessel swapping. The Drain Manifold kit includes: Inlet Manifold (with M16 hosing connections & drain tap). Out..

PTFE 부품 견고한 소재로 손상 위험 감소 다양한 Probe로 안전하게 지원 설계 반응 중 응축 현상 최소화 단열성 높음 PTFE Reactor Lids: The Reactor Lid System is designed to provide a versatile and cost effective means for the assembly of a whole range of components in flanged reactors and similar vessels. Robust material offers reduced risk of damage to lid from dropping or fractures Designed to securely support a wide range of standard & an..

진공 재킷 반응 용기 파일럿 및 벤치탑 규모의 Reactomate 시스템 제공 용기 모양, 크기, 측면 암 및 배수 밸브 구성 등 다양한 제작 가능 저온 반응에 이상적 시스템 Vacuum jacketed reaction vessels are ideal for low temperature operation. Asynt offer ReactoMate systems in both pilot and bench-top scales with optional vacuum insulation jacket which allows higher performance at low temperature with the added advantage of the reactor remaining ice free. This there..

리액토메이트 Baffle 시스템 다양한 구성 가능 특정 기준에 맞는 맞춤형 시스템 제공 ReactoMate baffle systems are available in a wide variety of forms and can be off-the-shelf, or manufactured to suit your specific criteria. Asynt work closely with a company called Analytical Innovations to provide essential tools and know-how for efficient process understanding and optimisation, in particular relation to scale-up work. Analytica..

실험실 반응 용기 이동식 탱크, 재킷 용기, 진공 재킷 용기등 다양한 제품 제공 광화학을 위한 앰버 용기 선택 가능 PTFE, 스테인리스스틸, 마그네틱 커플링, 다양한 벨브 등 제작 가능 With a wealth of experience in scientific glassware and engineering, we can offer a huge range of ReactoMate laboratory reactions vessels. Whether you need mobility tanks, jacketed vessels or vacuum jacketed vessels we can work together to provide you with the perfect system to suit your chem..