목록실험실 기초장비/Incubator hoods (4)

Volume: 100 LiterInternal Dimensiones (mm): W500*H500*D400External Dimensiones (mm): W700*H1552*D1320Temperature Range: -20-150 Celsius DegreesHumidity range: 20%-98% RHTouch screen programmer VERTICAL TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY CHAMBER 100L, -20~150℃ : FP-40V더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~!켐코코리아 주식회사Tel. 043-215-2012e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.comWeb. http://www.chemcokorea.com/Blog. http://blog.chemcokorea.com/

22 liter natural convection Portable laboratory incubator Digital temperature control Ambient - 15 oC to 60 oC Compact footprint, usable on small bench space Accepts multiple types of flasks up to 2L Internal power outlet for installing small shaker, mixer or other instruments Temperature accuracy 0.5 °C (at 37 °C) No calibraion procedure Temperature uniformity is 1.5°C Temperature Increments 1°..

Description The Incubator Hood TH 30 has a temperature range from +5°C above ambient to +50°C and can be combined with all universal shakers SM 30 or used as independent unit. The height is sufficient for 2000 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. The incubator hood is equipped with a standard light and a UV light. Optionally a cooling device for an external cooling system can be installed. Basic Equipment Coat..

Description The Incubator Hood TH 15 has a temperature range from +5°C above ambient to +50°C and can be combined with all compact shakers KS 15 and Microplate Shakers TiMix 5 or used as independent unit. The height is sufficient for 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Basic Equipment Coated metal housing with 3 windows, the front door opens upwards Safety cut-off of the shaker if combined with a Bühler ..