Temperature & Humidity Datalogger 16,000 memories 본문
range:Temp .. -20oC-70
RH: 0-100% ● Power requirement: Battery 4 pes
xAAsize(lnciuded) ● Accuracy: Temp .. ±0.6°C
(0-500C),others .±.1.2°C, RH:.±.3%(1 0-90% at
25°C)others.±.5% ● Resolution: Temp .. 0 1°Cf’F,
RH: 0.1%
● Dimension: 120Lx93W x42Tmm, Programmable parameters:Sample
points,logger sample interval start I stop date and time hi/lo alarm threshold unit
selection, real time
The AC Adaptor must be used for the audible alarm to sound
Temperature & Humidity Datalogger 16,000 memories : 88081
더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~!

켐코코리아 주식회사
Tel. 043-215-2012
e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.com
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