Knife Mill for grinding and homogenizing foods and feeds
including: 1L grinding, container of autoclavable plastic, standard lid and knife of stainless steel.
Feed material: soft, medium-hard, elastic, containing water / fat / oil, dry, fibrous
Application: Size reduction, homogenization and mixing
Material feed size: 10-40mm
Speed: 2000-10,000rpm
Final fineness: <300μm
Number of blade: 2
Time: Digital, 1s-3min
Motor: 1100W
body only,not include the container,lid and knife
Application:candy, cereal bars, cereals, cheese, coated tablets, cocoa nibs, deep-frozen products, dietary supplements, dried and fresh fruit, feed pellets, fish, ham, lettuce, meat, nuts, oil seeds, pharmaceutical materials, plant materials, sausages, soap, spices, vegetables, .
The HOM-100 MRC knife Millis the ideal tool for grinding dry and frozen wet foods.
With two sharp and powerful Knife and a powerful 1100 watt motor,
The Mill processes samples up to a volume of 600 ml quickly and efficiently.
The HOM-100 is ideal for homogenizing materials with a high water, oil or fat content, and is perfectly suited for grinding dry, soft and medium-hard products.
더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~!

켐코코리아 주식회사
Tel. 043-215-2012
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