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The 2mag Satellite stirrer bars (DrySyn 액세서리) 본문

이화학 실험장비/DrySyn

The 2mag Satellite stirrer bars (DrySyn 액세서리)

켐코코리아(주) 2022. 8. 23. 09:14

New developed, high-effective stirring bar, coated with ZEDEX, especially for high volumes, viscous media and strong magnetic stirrers.

Extremely strong, abrasion-free and wear-free magnetic stirring bar, bearing on a tripod-construction, especially for the use in stainless steel vessels and in the case of media containing abrasive particles, e.g. sand or sediments.


No direct contact between stirring bar and reaction vessel, therefore steady firm, wear-free, chemical resistance comparable to PTFE, FDA-certification, wearing parts can be re-ordered separately




The 2mag Satellite stirrer bars

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켐코코리아 주식회사

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