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ReactoMate DATUM Support 리액토메이트 Datum 본문

이화학 실험장비/Jacked Lab Reactors

ReactoMate DATUM Support 리액토메이트 Datum

켐코코리아(주) 2022. 9. 6. 15:30

리액토메이트 Datum 


  • 100~5000ml 2개 Vessel 위한 안전하고 실용적인 시스템 
  • 스테인리스 스틸 , 알루미늄 제작
  • 모든 주요 브랜드의 오버헤드 교반기 및 서큘레이터와 완벽 호환


Designed with user-friendliness in mind, the numerous innovative features of the ReactoMate DATUM support make it the ideal addition to your laboratory.  Suitable for vessels from 100 mL to 5,000 mL, this support allows you to replace multiple process chemistry reactor setups with one versatile and reliable system.

Changing a jacketed vessel is as simple as “Clip & Click”: the novel neck clamp is designed to allow fast changeover between reactor vessel sizes thereby enabling simple synthesis scale up in both research and process laboratories.  The ingenious mounting mechanism ensures excellent stability and alignment every time, and is easily set up for left or right handed use.

With a wide range of accessories and upgrades available, including quick-release couplings and drain manifolds, the ReactoMate DATUM support really is the perfect all-rounder for laboratory scale reactions.

  • Stunning, safe and practical system for 100 mL to 5,000 mL.
  • Constructed from the highest quality stainless steel and anodised aluminium, the dual-rod design provides a sturdy yet compact reaction station.
  • Low-friction polymer bearings line both the overhead stirrer alignment chuck and the neck support to ensure a smooth and easy operation.
  • The DATUM neck clamp makes changing vessels as simple as “Clip & Click” – see our video!
  • Fully compatible with all leading brands of overhead stirrers and circulator heating/cooling systems.
  • Built to operate over a temperature range from -70 °C to +220 °C the ReactoMate Datum PT100 temperature probe linked directly to the heating/cooling circulator ensures accurate solution temperature  control.
  • Wide range of accessories and upgrades available, including optional automation packages.





ReactoMate DATUM Support 리액토메이트 Datum

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켐코코리아 주식회사

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시료전처리자동화, 자동콜로니카운터, 미량농축기, 용출기, 실린지필터, 바이알, 컬럼, CondenSyn, DrySyn, Laboratory shaker, Dispenser, Thermometer, Evaporator, Liquid handling


