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Photochemical Kits 본문

이화학 실험장비/PhotoReactor

Photochemical Kits

켐코코리아(주) 2022. 9. 13. 11:30

Photoredox chemistry has been reported in the literature using a wide range of catalysts and reagents. However, often these reactions are highly substrate, solvent and base specific. In order to facilitate the screening of common photochemistry reactions, HepatoChem has released a series of high-throughput photocatalysis reaction screening kits combining common Iridium, Nickel, ligand and base combinations to achieve successful cross-coupling transformations.



Ir/Ni catalysis versatility

Depending on the ligand, base and solvent, the Ir/Ni catalytic systems can perform different cross-coupling reaction.

C-C Coupling

C-N Coupling

C-O Coupling

Iridium Catalysts







Photochemical Kits

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