목록이화학 실험장비 (205)

Introducing the Lucent360™ Advanced Photoreactor The Lucent360™ Advanced Photoreactor enables parallel (screen), batch and flow with wavelength,light intensity and temperature control in one device. Multiple vial formats and configurations (from 0.3ml to 700 ml) Temperature controlled (0° to 80° C) with thermostatic fluid Interchangeable LED light modules (365 nm through 525 nm) Screen up to 4 w..

November 04, 2013 / Product Information / Organomation There are many different methods used in today’s laboratories to assist in the concentration and/or drying of samples. Many of these methods use a combination of techniques, such as temperature increase and vapor pressure reduction, to expedite the solvent evaporation process. For example, Organomation’s N-EVAP nitrogen evaporators combine n..

August 29, 2013 / Case Studies, Academic / Organomation Organomation Evaporators Put Sample Analysis Back into Your Hands “We support your products on our lab website and recommend you to all our friends and colleagues that may need an evaporator or want to replicate our methods.” ~Shellie Hyde, Stanford University School of Medicine Customer: Medical School Research Lab The Parker Lab at Stanfo..

We are huge fans of what could be classified as “creative photocatalysts”. One of our favorite papers over the past few years was this work that we wrote about here using Hypericum flowers as an organic dye for C-C bond formation. A few dried flower petals, a base and an LED and you have a new photochemical reaction. So, if your paper can be described as using a “Fenton Boat photocatalyst”, well..

This month, we highlight the recent work of several students from the Balasubramanian Lab at the University of Cambridge using the EvoluChem™ Photoredox Boxes in their graduate studies. Shankar Balasubramanian is a godfather in the field of nucleic acid chemistry and methods to sequence epigenetic modifications. In recent years this work has involved visible-light applications. Ben Mortishire-Sm..

December 30, 2013 / Product Information / Organomation It is often said that the best place to catch a disease is in a hospital; likewise, the most common place for sample contamination to occur is in the analytical laboratory. Sample contamination may be defined as the inadvertent addition of target or detectable analytes to samples during the sample collection, transportation, preparation, or ..

December 02, 2013 / New Products, Product Information, Microplate Evaporators / Organomation Berlin, MA, December 2, 2013 – Organomation announces the newly redesigned MICROVAP product line. These evaporation systems are designed for controlled concentration of small samples. All four models in the product line are light, compact and digitally controlled for ease of use. The MICROVAP blowdown ev..

November 04, 2013 / Product Information / Organomation There are many different methods used in today’s laboratories to assist in the concentration and/or drying of samples. Many of these methods use a combination of techniques, such as temperature increase and vapor pressure reduction, to expedite the solvent evaporation process. For example, Organomation’s N-EVAP nitrogen evaporators combine n..

August 02, 2013 / Product Information / Organomation Any time you need to purchase high end laboratory equipment, the sales process can be very stressful. Sales representatives are looking to fill their quotas in order to receive their commissions and to reach production goals. In order to make sure that you get the best deal on the right sample concentrator, make sure you ask these six question..

May 24, 2013 / Product Information / Organomation Nitrogen evaporation is a vital step in many analytical chemistry practices. When so many procedures rely on using this one piece of equipment, you need to make sure that your nitrogen evaporator will stand the test of time, while consistently providing accurate results. Preparing samples for analysis can often be a laborious and time consuming t..

February 10, 2023 / Product Information / Sarah Johnson Skip directly to the section you're looking for: Nitrogen Blowdown Evaporator: Pressure vs. Flow How Pressure and Flow are Related in Organomation Nitrogen Evaporator Systems How to Adjust Pressure and Flow on an Organomation Nitrogen Blowdown Evaporator When a nitrogen blowdown evaporator is used in sample preparation, it's fairly common f..

April 18, 2023 / Product Information / Sarah Johnson Stainless steel needles and glass pipettes - they're both used on Organomation's parallel evaporators to deliver nitrogen gas onto the sample's surface. If they both serve the same function, you may be asking yourself "How do I know which option is best for me?" This article will explain the differences between them and when each is recommende..