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Digital temperature control system for:IR heater,Heating pad'Heating tapes,mantles,hotplates,immersionheaters,incubators,ovens up to 3000watts,Quick conections for power and temperature sensor DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER 0BOX-3216N더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~!켐코코리아 주식회사Tel. 043-215-2012e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.comWeb. http://www.chemcokorea.com/Blog. http://blog.chemcokorea.com/

Cavitation Intensity Meterknow ultrasonic energy instantlyProbe length 400mmDetect loss of ultrasonic energy with periodic readingsCalculate best work loadsDetermine most efficient baskets and work fixturesCompare energy from tank to tankCompare energy level over life ofThe solid stainless steelprobe can be used in any harsh chemicaland extreme environments. CAVITATION INTENSITY METER CAV-METER-..

Precision Colorimeter, Auto locating of light source.Built in calibration plateIlluminating/viewing geometry: 8dRechargeable lithium-ion battery 3.7VDC@3200mA.Error : ≤0.80ΔE*abRepeatability: Standard deviation within ΔE*ab 0.08Average of 30 measurements of standard white plate.Rechargeable lithium-ion battery 3.7V@3200mAhLight Source: LED blue light excitationSCM Metrological Certification, CE ..

● Capacity: 80 liter.● Internal Dimensions(mm): W400XH400XD500● External Dimensions(mm): W860XH810XD810● Temp range: -20-100 °C.● Humidity range: 20-98% RH(Check humidity/temp. graph in technical details).● Solid state heating and humidity switching● Many built-in safety devices.● Stainless steel access port with plug● Stainless steel internal and external chamber.● PID Temp/Humidity control.● E..

Carbon Dioxide CO2/R744 Detector analog output: 0-5%Low range and high range Carbon dioxide (CO2 / R744) gas detectorsavailable in ppm or %vol with Plug & Play Smart Sensor Technology.» Long life, infrared Carbon dioxide sensor» Smart Sensor replacement at end of life, comes pre-calibrated» One linear 4-20 mA or 0-10 V analog outputor option BACnet® MS/TP RS-485or option Modbus® RTU RS-485 digit..

안녕하세요?온라인 재고 판매 플랫폼 아하랩입니다! 아하랩은 기업들이 보유하고 있는 재고를 효율적으로 판매하고 관리할 수 있도록 도와드립니다. 아하랩을 통해 여러분의 창고에서 잠자고 있는재고를 Money로 전환하여, 추가 수익을 창출하세요! 아하랩은 간편한 등록 절차로 누구나 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다.무엇보다도, 무료로 등록할 수 있어 비용 부담 없이 시작할 수 있습니다. 아하랩은 국내 다양한 기업들의 성공적인 재고 처리를 지원하며,보다 빠르고 안전하게 재고를 판매할 수 있는 환경을 제공합니다. 아래 링크에서, 재고를 등록해 주세요! 관련사이트 : 아하랩, 아하캠핑, 아하피싱, 아하펫 http://www.ahalab.co.kr

Digital Table Ball millSpeed range:up to 480rpmPot diameter:65-85mmRoll length 380mmTimer:up to 99 hours:59 secondsDimensions:w55xd31xh22cmMotor Power 90 watt BENCHTOP ROLL JAR MILL : RJM-30D더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~!켐코코리아 주식회사Tel. 043-215-2012e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.comWeb. http://www.chemcokorea.com/Blog. http://blog.chemcokorea.com/

Footprint58 mm x 51 mm (W x D)Height290 mmWeight (without accessories)1.15 kgTouch displayintegrated color IPS display(480 x 800 px, size 4'')Resultscontact angleRange0 to 180°Resolution0.1°Accuracy2°Models3D Contact AngleTypestaticResolution0.1 μL QC checks of wettability 3D Contact Angle : AYRIIS더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~!켐코코리아 주식회사Tel. 043-215-2012e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.comWeb. http://www.chemco..

Digital temperature control system for:IR heater,Heating pad'Heating tapes,mantles,hotplates,immersionheaters,incubators,ovens up to 3000watts,Quick conections for power and temperature sensor Digital Temperature controller : BOX-3216N더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~!켐코코리아 주식회사Tel. 043-215-2012e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.comWeb. http://www.chemcokorea.com/Blog. http://blog.chemcokorea.com/

Auto rang, 2 ranges,Range: 0.00-50.00NTU/50 to 1000NTUResolution: 0.01NTU/1NTULight source: LED, 850nmRecord Max. Min. value0NTU & 100NTU calibration solution are includedDesigned to meet ISO 7027Power Supply DC 1.5 V battery ( UM4, AAA ) x 6 PCs, or equivalent TURBIDITY METER COMPLETE KIT : TU-2016더 자세한 정보는 켐코코리아로 문의하세요~!켐코코리아 주식회사Tel. 043-215-2012e-mail. ck@chemcokorea.comWeb. http://www.chemc..

range:Temp .. -20oC-70oC(-4°F-158°F),RH: 0-100% ● Power requirement: Battery 4 pesxAAsize(lnciuded) ● Accuracy: Temp .. ±0.6°C(0-500C),others .±.1.2°C, RH:.±.3%(1 0-90% at25°C)others.±.5% ● Resolution: Temp .. 0 1°Cf’F,RH: 0.1%● Dimension: 120Lx93W x42Tmm, Programmable parameters:Samplepoints,logger sample interval start I stop date and time hi/lo alarm threshold unitselection, real timeThe AC A..

Table Digital Laboratory orbital shakerFlask plate platform max load 12kgDigital speed controller & timerPlate 300x400mmSpeed range:20 to 250rpmHeavy duty maximum load 20kgSuitable for heat/cool room and incubatorFor conditions 40°C-4°C, 20%-80%RHFor bottles,Erlenmyers,tubeFlask holders are not includedExternal dimension: W400xD330xH165 mmPower supply: 110/220V, 60/50Hz (1A) DIGITAL FLASK LABOR..